The Village of Love

Kamisa Board Members have had the honour of meeting the Obaras, the founders of Village of Love. They were hosted here in Canada by other supporting Canadian agencies and it was a great opportunity to hear first hand about the amazing work they do in Kenya.

With 5 children of their own and having adopted 10 orphaned children as well, the Obaras have been truly inspirational in their commitment to helping the thousands of orphaned children affected by HIV/Aids in Kenya.

The success of the Village of Love charity hinges on a few key elements such as empowering women as caregivers by providing microloans to support their small businesses endeavours, as well as ongoing training and support to ensure success. Women are contributing in meaningful ways now to the financial success of the family and most importantly this means that their children can attend school. have regular meals and be supported in a loving family.

This is as direct and grassroots as it gets! Regularly local supporters visit the community of Kibera, in Kenya. Something they do at their sole cost. They meet with the local volunteers and visit families that have seen direct benefits from this program. It is a wonderful opportunity to see firsthand, the foundation at work, empowering women, helping educate children, and promoting community health.

Our many thanks to Linda Levin, Chair, Village of Love Canada, not only for her hard work and commitment but for bringing this opportunity to the Kamisa Charitable Foundation. We are pleased to extend our commitment and support to this worthwhile cause.

For more information visit the Village of Love website


Witness the help The Village of Love has been able to offer during the COVID crisis


Regeneration Brampton


Flemingdon Community Food Bank